2.3 million – 50,000 years Ago Spoken Language


Art and Drawing 30,000 BCE


3,000 BCETrade Routes


2000 BCE: Carrier Pigions


3000 – 800 BCE: Written Language


300 BC: Libraries (Alexandria and Centralization)


Vellum & Parchment




1st Century BC: Books/Codex


Medieval Cathedrals, Stained Glass, Statuary

Scriptoriums and Illuminated Manuscripts



1088: Universities




1300s: Paper Spreads Throughout Europe


1450: Moveable Type








16th Century Global Currency


1605: First Newspaper


1641 Blaise Pascal's Calculator


1653: Postal Service


1731: First Magazines


1771 Jaquet Droz Automatons


1775 Common Sense


1801 Jacquard Loom   /  Industrial Revolution


1810s: First Trains


1820s: First Photography


1835: Braille


1835: Telegraph


1843: First Fax Machine


Babbage Analytical Machine & Difference Engine 2


1860 American Civil War


1872: First Mail Order Catalog


1876: Telephone

"Mr. Watson - Come here - I want to see you."


1876: Player Piano


1877: Practical Sound Recording


1879: Incandescent Lightbulb/Electric Light


1887: Radio



1890: Punch Card Computers


1895: Motion Pictures


1880s: Automobiles



1927: Television



1937-50: First Electronic Computers

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/dGloeX1SpAU" frameborder="0"


1944: Colossus


1945: Atomic Bomb